Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of Immunizations - 1014 Words

For years children have been immunized against dozens of infectious diseases. Routine shots starting at birth protect them from illnesses such as polio, measles and hepatitis. In recent years, since the outcry that too many immunizations, too early may cause autism, many parents have decided against immunizing their children. In this debate that has continued for years, non-vaccinating parents believe that by forcing them to vaccinate or not allowing them to go to school is a violation of the child’s human rights. But vaccinating parents believe that by other parents choosing not to vaccinate they are trampling on the rights of others and putting them at a greater risk of contracting diseases. The way vaccines work is by creating†¦show more content†¦They are learning that they can pick and choose which vaccinations their child will receive. They are learning that there are ways around school required vaccinations. Support and advocacy groups are being formed, allowin g parents to fight for their children’s health. The more that people are educated about an issue the more likely they are to do something about it. So community structures educating parents about the importance of vaccines and their options is a very good thing. Before, the theory was that the more children that are vaccinated the more protected the unvaccinated children were. Now, that is not the case, more and more children are not being vaccinated the previous statement does not hold true. Parents can no longer rely on the vaccinations of others to keep their children healthy. As a community we have a responsibility to each other to keep everyone healthy, but our major concern should be our own family. We have a responsibility to our neighbors, the people who attend school and work with us, the lady who sits beside us on the bus and the man beside us on the airplane. We should not deliberately do something to hurt another, however if as a parent you know that by immunizing your child you are putting them at a higher risk than the public then you should have the right to choose not to immunize. Works Cited Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, M. (2010, January). Your Childs Immunizations. Retrieved March 31, 2010, from Kids Health:Show MoreRelatedImportance Of Immunizations893 Words   |  4 PagesMeta Description: Immunizations have an important role in preventing the diseases and infections that can impair the health of seniors and decrease their quality of life. H1Immunizations Have a Role in Maintaining Good Health Primary keyword: Immunizations Secondary keyword: Home health care Title: Immunizations Play an Important Role in Your Health Like many people, you probably get a flu shot every year. But what about the other immunizations you’ve heard about? 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