Thursday, January 30, 2020

The drama that follows Essay Example for Free

The drama that follows Essay In this essay I am going to talk about the opening of the play An Inspector calls helps to prove the drama of play to follow. The play An Inspector Calls was written in 1945 after the 2nd world war when the industrial revolution began. The play is set in 1912 just before the 1st world war began. The impact of this is immense because of the higher class system was still in place and the industrial and technology was still reforming. This is also the time of the welfare state. The only characters of the play are the basic seven characters of the play, these characters are Mr Birling, the head the house, Mrs Birling, Mr Birlings wife, Sheila, their daughter, Gerald, Sheilas fianci , Eric, their son, the inspector and finally Edna, their maid. The few characters mean that at the beginning of the play you can get to know all of them and their traits. The characters all develop throughout the play this means that at the beginning you know them as they originally are and learn about who is the good guy in the play and who is stuck up. First of all I am going to talk about the staging in act 1 and the influence and how much you can tell about the family from this room. The play is set in one room so there is not a lot of change so that you can focus on the play itself and not the setting. The items in the room tell you a lot about the characters and their lives. In the room there is one armchair symbolising that the family does not spend much time together and do not get on? The armchair tells us that the family tend to sit alone and not together telling us that they do not know much about each other which comes out when the inspector arrives. Around the room are tasteless pictures that influence their richness because the Birlings would buy paintings by famous artists that they have not heard of so that when they invite higher-class citizens around it will impress them. This shows that the Birlings buy their items around the home to impress and not to make their home look nice, this would also boost their egos and make them feel better about themselves. This is also true about their silverware, Tantalus, candlesticks, and champagne cooler. The room has a telephone in it that also shows their money off because not many people of that time would have telephones, as they would have been very expensive. The telephone is in the centre of the room near the fireplace because it is central to their lives and also central to the plot later on in the play. This is because when the inspector leaves the house after his closing speech, Mr Birling phones the infirmary to check on Eva Smith. Then he hangs up the phone to find another inspector to be coming to the house because they havent learnt their lesson when the fake inspector leaves. The fireplace in the room that is used in the play is not lit this indicates a sense of a not welcoming or warm family. The fireplace indicates that they are not a very close family and are not together as much as they should be. The next aspect of the play I will talk about is the theatricality of the play. This means the setting and room used in the play. This also includes the use of flashbacks in the film of an Inspector calls. Because only one room is used in the play this makes us get to now the cast more and keep us centred on the one room and not looking around new settings. The use of the one room helps us to find out more about the characters by looking at the setting. And it means we will look at the room in more detail and it will help us look in the objects in the room in more detail so we find out more about their lives and lifestyles. The room only contains one door this means that the characters and actors are limited to one exit, this indicates no exit for them so they cannot escape. In the setting there is an oval table used which means that the table has no head of the house and cannot determine who is the head of the household. In this part of my essay I will talk about Birling who is the man of the house, he is married to Mrs Birling. I will talk about how Mrs Birling treats him and how he thinks himself to be in society and in his family. Mr Birling is very self centred in that he only thinks of himself and does not care about his family. For example I think a knighthood should be coming along soon. This means that he only cares of his status in society, and only wants his knighthood so that his business will do well. When he talks to Geralds family he seems to think that they will like him more if he is higher in society as he worked his way to success. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE J. B.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Disaster Management :: Disaster Preparedness,

The increase in unpredictable natural disasters events for a decade has led to put the disaster preparedness as a central issue in disaster management. Disaster preparedness reduces the risk of loss lives and injuries and increases a capacity for coping when hazard occurs. Considering the value of the preparatory behavior, governments, local, national and international institutions and non-government organizations made some efforts in promoting disaster preparedness. However, although a number of resources have been expended in an effort to promote behavioural preparedness, a common finding in research on natural disaster is that people fail to take preparation for such disaster events (Paton, 2005; Shaw 2004; Spittal,, 2005; Tierney, 1993; Kenny, 2009; Kapucu, 2008; Coppola and Maloney, 2009). For example, the fact that nearly 91% of Americans live in a moderate to high risk of natural disasters, only 16% take a preparation for natural disaster (Ripley, 2006). This lack of preparation takes place in different places and involves different hazards. In the case of hurricane, only half of all respondents living in Central Florida have hurricane evacuation plan in place (Kapucu, 2008). Another finding revealed that only 8 percent of all respondent have prepared a disaster supplies kit in home. Kenny (2009) found that most residents in South Florida, hurricane-prone area, failed to take preparatory measures such as securing bottled water and food when storms strike. In another place and a different hazard, the result of study demonstrated the same finding. Paton and Prior (2008) studied bushfire preparation in Tasmania show that most respondents had undertaken some form of protective behavior only minimal and limited. They started to prepare after they were warned by disaster emergency services. According to Nakagawa (2009) people are reluctant to take action by spending money and time because they perceived some disasters have low probability. Earthquake, for instance, due to difficult to predict, in many cases people tend to neglect preparing earthquake risk. In a survey in 1974, Kenny (2009) concluded that only 12 percent respondents in California households have taken action measure preventing earthquakes. However, Nakagawa (2009) also noted that although people living in frequently natural disaster such as floods and typhoons, they do not take a proper action. For example, only 10% people had evacuated to safer locations when the Tokage typhoon hit Japan, in Toyooka city. Some argued that level of preparedness is most likely affected by direct experience of the disaster (Tierney, 1993).

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Academic Resilience

Academic resilience presents factors that are involved in the enrollment of a student. Different factors contribute to the effect. The importance of understanding, accepting, and working at the goals to achieve academic resilience is essential. Below are five different studies that each explains their definitions of academic resilience and the contributions that can be made to impact student success. Morales (2008) researched academic resilience despite the fact of risk factors that would contribute to low academic performance. Some of the risk factors are environmental issues that place students in danger (Morales, 2008). Risk factors include; inferior schools, a culture of violence, and/or lack of parental attention (Morales, 2008). He found that students have vulnerability areas that may create problems in a specific situation. Some vulnerability areas can be gender, class, and race/ethnicity. Statistics have indicated that females have surpassed men in terms of degree attainment at the baccalaureate and master’s level (Morales, 2008). One of the biggest obstacles for females is the familial and social obligations which create stressful situations. Morales conducted a qualitative research on a sample size of 50 persons. Of the 50 participants 31 were female and 19 were male, with 30 self identifying as African American and 20 as Hispanic (Morales, 2008). All of the study participants were attending predominantly White higher education institutions (Morales, 2008). The students were chosen because they were the individuals who could best help understand a given phenomenon—in this case the process of academic resilience (Morales, 2008). The findings of the research concluded that females face more resistance than males. Borman and Overman (2004) investigated whether the allotment of an individual and school characteristics were associated with academic resilience differed due to race/ethnicity. They tested four models of risk factors in order to have a better picture of how schools might affect student resilient outcomes (Borman & Overman, 2004). The four risk factors included; effective schools, peer-group composition, school resources, and the supportive school community model. Schools that have students of poverty and of color may fail to provide a supportive school climate, by having low academic expectations, or by delivering inadequate educational resources (Borman & Overman, 2004). The individual characteristics, school characteristics, and the interaction between both may contribute to a student’s risk of academic failure (Borman & Overman, 2004). There research began with 3,981 students and diminished to 925 after careful selection. The goal of the study was to reveal school effects, student’s attitudes, and behaviors that were related to resilience construct (Borman & Overman, 2004). There research outcome was greater engagement in academic activities, efficaciousness in mathematics, a more positive outlook in school, and higher self esteem were characteristics of low SES (Socio Economic Status) students who achieved resilient outcomes in mathematics (Borman & Overnman, 2004). The results suggested that their economic status didn’t interfere with their academic resilience. McTigue, Washburn, and Liew (2009) explained that an academically resilient student needs to have a lot of self-regulation to maintain a positive attitude. Their further explanation of factors in preschool that is important for predicting later reading success are usually alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness. Even though those are important skills to adhere the personality factor is one that has been overlooked (McTigue, Washburn, Liew, 2009). There argument was to provide a theoretical basis for the role of socioemotional development in reading (McTigue, Washburn, Liew, 2009). The promotion of student self-efficacy was demonstrated in six key principles. The first principle is creating an environment with acceptance and warmth (McTigue, Washburn, & Liew, 2009). A safe environment allows students to feel comfortable and at ease in order to allow for knowledge to sink in. The second principle is literacy assessment should include measures of academic resiliency (McTigue, Washburn, & Liew, 2009). The key features are engagement and participation levels, self monitoring, and inquiries for help. Third principle involves; using direct modeling to promote literacy and self efficacy (McTigue, Washburn, & Liew, 2009). The fourth principle is effective feedback should be specific, accurate, and emphasize effort (McTigue, Washburn, & Liew, 2009). Modeling is important in student self efficacy but is not complete without feedback (McTigue, Washburn, & Liew, 2009). Goal setting is the fifth principle and should be achieved after proper feedback. In the final principle teachers should promote self-evaluation by allowing the students to view their accomplished goals. In conclusion, McTigue, Washburn, and Liew (2009) believe it is important to take into consideration all aspects of student development (cognitive, language, social, emotional) in synchrony. Students needs all have the above to function better in school but not all children have the same learning capacities. This report lacks to mention the children who might have mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, etc. and would need further attention than a regular student. Martin & Marsh’s (2008) study compares academic buoyancy to academic resilience. The differences are; the samples to which they relate, the operational differences, methodological distinctions, and the interventions that respond to them (Martin & Marsh, 2008). Academic resilience is characterized as â€Å"acute† and â€Å"chronic† adversities that are seen as a hardship to the developmental process (Martin & Marsh, 2008). It also focuses on ethnic groups, interaction of ethnicity, and underachievement (Martin & Marsh, 2008). Their argument is that buoyancy on the other hand focuses on the hardships that people deal with on a day to day basis rather than from acute or chronic adversities. Academic buoyancy is recognized in two areas, â€Å"every day hassles† and â€Å"coping† (Martin & Marsh, 2008). This study understands that there are multiple reasons behind student’s academic success in school. No one person is the same or lives similar lifestyles; therefore there are multiple reasons for unsuccessful academics. Gayles (2005) study was of three African Americans seniors in high School at one of the least affluent high schools in their area. In this research academic resilience signifies academic achievement when such achievement is rare for those facing similar circumstances or within a similar sociocultural context (Gayles, 2005). These students were the first in their families to graduate with honors, earned college scholarships, while they lives in non-affluent homes and community (Gayles, 2005). Gayles used open ended questions to and questions were directed towards the construction of the meaning of academic achievement. His study showed that for the students diminished their own achievement because they didn’t feel they were better than others (Gayles, 2005). The motivations that lead to their success were from living in their affluent homes and trying to surpass that by parental advisement, if they wanted something they had to work at their education. In conclusion, each of these studies indicated different areas or reasons behind academic resilience. As previously mentioned, the situations that students are in make an impact on what academic route they take. Some students may not overcome unsuccessful academics due to neglect in motivation or situational means. It is believed that with efforts and a strong set in mind academic resilience can overcome regardless of any situation. References Borman, G. D. , Overman, L. T. (2004). Academic Resilience in Mathematics among Poor and Minority Students: The Elementary School Journal. The University of Chicago Press. Vol. 104, No. 3, pp. 177-195. Gayles, J. (2005). Playing the Game and Paying the Price: Academic Resilience among Three High-Achieving African American Males. Anthropology and Education Quarterly. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 250–264. Martin, A. J. , Marsh H. W. , (2008). Academic Buoyancy: Towards an Understanding of Students' Everyday Academic Resilience. Journal of School Psychology. Vol. 46 Issue 1, p53-83, 31p Mc Tigue, E. M. , Washburn, E. K. , Liew, J. (2009). Academic Resilience and Reading: Building Successful Readers. Reading Teacher. Vol. 62 Issue 5, p 422-432, 11p, 6 charts Morales, E. E. (2008). Exceptional Female Students of Color: Academic Resilience and Gender in Higher Education. Innovative High Education, 33:197–213.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Utilitarianism Vs. Utilitarianism By John Stuart Mill

It is undeniably true that our actions are governed by systems of morality, and our actions all define our society. A society is constructed of moral values, actions, and laws; hence these aspects all strive to make it a stable one. In order to create peace and harmony, it is crucial that we do good deeds and perform ethical actions. However, what defines goodness? When is it that our actions deem ethical in terms of pleasure and happiness? Two important historical figures have provided two sets of ethical theories, a concrete moral system in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant and a utilitarianism system in Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill. Both use strong arguments to help draw focus to different and possible perspectives to view a good society and discover basic moral norms. . Despite the essentially opposite viewpoints in their arguments, both serve an important contribution to our ethical viewpoints. Through a comparative study between the non-consequentialist and consequentialist aspects of Kant and Mill’s ethical theories, one would be able to further acknowledge and evaluate the motives of our actions clearly In terms of the conception of good and ways to carry out good actions, Kant and Mill have different approaches towards what we should focus on when evaluating our actions. Kant proposes that the good will and intentions of an action do not take any practical considerations of the results of how the action will aid or harm us into anShow MoreRelatedUtilitarianism : Bentham And Mill766 Words   |  4 PagesUtilitarianism: Bentham VS. Mill Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that holds the morally right course of action in any given situation is the course of which yields the greatest balance of benefits over harms. More specifically, utilitarianism’s core idea is that the effects of an action determine whether actions are morally right or wrong. Created with philosophies of Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), Utilitarianism began in England in the 19th Century. Read MoreUtilitarianism Vs. Mill Utilitarianism1004 Words   |  5 Pagesanism: Bentham VS. Mill Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that holds the morally right course of action in any given situation is the course of which yields the greatest balance of benefits over harms. More specifically, utilitarianism’s core idea is that the effects of an action determine whether actions are morally right or wrong. Created with the philosophies of Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), Utilitarianism began in England in the 19th Century. BenthamRead MoreAn Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremey Bentham.1026 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is Utilitarianism? I believe that utilitarianism is the theory in which actions are right if they produce happiness and wrong if they don’t produce happiness. Happiness is what every human being look forward to. When making a decision, all possible outcomes must be ensured that it will lead to happiness. Utilitarianism is based on the principle of utility .Utility is t he ability to be useful while satisfying needs. Utilitarianism is generally considered a moral theory that was found by JeremeyRead MoreUtilitarianism, By John Stuart Mill1372 Words   |  6 PagesAct Utilitarianism is a long standing and well supported philosophical argument that when boiled down to its most basic elements, can be described as creating â€Å"the greatest good for the greatest number† (122). Such was the sentiment of John Stuart Mill, one of act utilitarianism’s (also known as just utilitarianism) greatest pioneers, and promoters. Mills believed that his theory of always acting in a way that achieved the greatest net happiness was both superior to other philosophical theories andRead MoreUtilitarianism And Utilitarianism1066 Words   |  5 PagesMr. Harris Utilitarianism and Rights Essay 25 April 2016 THE NUMBERS GAME Utilitarianism, as described in An Introduction to Catholic Ethics, is a philosophy made popular in the early 19th century. This â€Å"consequentialist† philosophy had been studied by and branched from two English philosophers by the names of, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Utilitarianism can even be linked back to as far as 341-270 BC with the Epicurates. â€Å"What is utilitarianism?†, one might ask. Utilitarianism is an ideaRead MoreThe Mill By John Stuart Mill1537 Words   |  7 PagesJohn Stuart Mill was a famous philosopher and historian. Jeremy Bentham who advocated for utilitarianism just like Mill influenced much of Mill’s works. Mill’s works were also greatly influenced by Jeremy Bentham’s brother, Samuel and Mill’s father, James. Mill had many early works prior to his writings on utilitarianism. Mill discusses how to determine right and wrong, but this seems to be an ongoing conflict. Mill believes that in order to prove goodness you must have ethical morals lined up inRead MoreEssay about Utilitarianism and Happiness845 Words   |  4 Pagesof people affected by it. According to Bentham, utilitarianism is the greatest happiness or greatest felicity principle. There are many types of this theory which include act vs. rule, two level, motive, negative and average vs. total. (Clifford G., John C. 2009) In act utilitarianism, when people have to make choices, they should consider the consequences of each choice and then choose that which will generate much pleasure. The rule utilitarianism looks at the rules of actions which are potentialRead MoreJeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mills Mill On Utilitarianism872 Words   |  4 PagesMill on Utilitarianism â€Å"The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Utilitarianism, Mill). This theory of Utilitarianism was generated by the original Utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Mill says: â€Å"Happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privationRead MoreThe Moral Dispute Of John Stuart Mill And Immanuel Kant1500 Words   |  6 Pagesbe explored further in this review along with the works of some of his successors. The Moral Dispute John Stuart Mill vs Immanuel Kant Philosopher John Stuart Mill’s theory highlights utilitarianism and Kantian theory would be the total opposite. Mill’s position links happiness with morality and focused solely on the outcomes of an action. Philosopher John Kant’s theory emphasizes the importance of rationality, reliability, and neutrality with highlights on the reason or willRead MoreKant And Mill On Animal Ethics Essay1365 Words   |  6 PagesIn this essay I will begin by explaining the overall views of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill, then compare and contrast the ideas and philosophies of Kant and Mill on Animal Ethics. I believe that Kant, the deontologist, will not care as much about the duty/responsibility between humans and animals as Mill, the utilitarian, who will see the extreme importance of animal ethics. After studying and explaining the views and teachings of these two philosophers I will see if my thesis was correct,