Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dementia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Dementia - Essay Example Dementia In the case of dementia, the effects have been widely noted and accepted (although the quantity of descriptors may vary from one authority to another): often cited are such symptoms as memory loss, particularly in short-term loadings, confusion, and disorientation in time and place, and personality alterations. Unfortunately, such effects may result from a variety of causes, some of which are treatable and others that are not. Depression is a good example of the former; Alzheimer's of the latter. The prevalence of dementia we see currently is merely the tip of the iceberg at that. There are now some 32 million individuals in this country age 65 and older. That figure is expected to grow to 39 million in less than 20 years. Though there are now an estimated 5 million victims of dementia, the number may increase to more than 17 million in the same time period. . If true, within 20 years, over 40 percent of the elderly will suffer some form of dementia compared to less than 15 percent at the present time. These are staggering figures, and they are only estimates because no statistics are kept by any agency of the exact number of persons diagnosed by physicians as suffering from dementia. In fact, doctors resist any imposition of record keeping that would lead to actual numbers and realistic data.Recent analyses of people with dementia have suggested that a loss of self or a process of "unbecoming" are ascribed to this illness by many clinicians. However, many studies fail to con sider and assess the wide variation in levels of self-awareness across both persons and areas of functioning. That is, there may be extensive individual differences not only in overall level of self-awareness but also in the specific patterns of unawareness across functional areas as well as different types of awareness (Danner & Friesen, 1996). To the degree that those with dementia retain awareness of their deficits across a range of functions, their ability to report on their emotional reactions to their deficits might be preserved. Neglect of the patient perspective in dementia may also reflect the failure to consider premorbid expressive styles when drawing conclusions about a person's internal experience (Cotrell & Schulz, 1993). An understanding of premorbid expressive style can help to bring order and meaning to the apparently random expressions of the demented patient. What appears to be indiscriminate, meaningless emotional behavior might instead represent a distorted attempt to communicate one's feelings and needs to caregivers. The new wave in attempting to understand the subjectivity of dementing illness asserts that the person with dementia clearly has feelings but lacks the ability to express them in some of the usual ways. Informed by the knowledge that the demented person has a longstanding tendency to react strongly and negatively to

Monday, February 10, 2020

Women's suffrage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Women's suffrage - Essay Example It is against these back drops that I want to bring to your attention the historical background of women suffrage, and finally deal with the missing link, argument against women suffrage. To achieve this objective, I have arranged my paper, into two main parts, in the first part, I have discussed broadly about the history of human suffrage, and then on the last part, I have considered the arguments against, women suffrage. To begin with I need to provide, the historical background of women suffrage, and it is to this that I now start with In 1776 Abigail Adams had written to her husband John Adams to ask him to remember ladies when they wrote the new laws. But the next year women lost the right to vote in New York. Three years later women lost their rights of vote in Massachusetts. And In 1784 women also lost their rights voting in New Hampshire. â€Å"Three years later voting qualifications were placed in the hands of the states by the U.S. Constitutional Convention, and women lost the right to vote in all states but New Jersey. Women lost their rights of voting in New Jersey in the year 1807† (Timeline of Womens Suffrage in the United States 2012). Anti-slavery associations were formed in the early 1830’s. In 1836 Angelina Grimke appealed to southern women by speaking out against slavery. And the Pastoral Letter of General Association of Massachusetts to Congressional Churches Under Their Care were put into operation against women speaking about slavery in a negative way in a public place (Liddington 1978). In 1840 a World Anti-Slavery Convention was held in London but women were prohibited from being a part due to their sex. Elizabeth Cady Stanton presented the Equal Voting Rights at the first Women’s Rights Convention held in the Seneca Fall, in New York in 1848. Another Women’s Rights Convention was held two years later in Salem, Ohio. That same year the first National Women’s Rights Convention was held in Worcester, Massachusetts. In 1861 in